God's Work Foundation (GWF) is a non-profit organisation bringing community revival in Western Zambia through evangelism work and community upliftment projects.
The idea of God’s Work Foundation (GWF) was planted in the mind of its founder, Michiel Barnard, after his first visit to a remote village in Zambia in 2007. Most people who live in the Western Province of Zambia have never encountered the love of God. They live in spiritual depravity, often without hope or vision. GWF is passionate about reaching them and bringing resurgence to the community through spreading the gospel, as well as a variety of other initiatives. Western Zambia is a remote area grossly neglected. In GWF's target area, nobody has access to running water. Only 8% of the community can read. There are no hospitals and people rely on small government-run clinics and rural health posts. HIV/Aids, Malaria and TB have left many people vulnerable and without food and shelter. The people of Western Zambia are subsistence farmers and because of challenging farming conditions the community often suffers from lack of food. (Click here to learn more about the Republic of Zambia.)